Thursday, January 27, 2011

#4 - Bloomsbury

The Bloomsbury walk that I did this week was a pretty good walk. It was nice to walk around places that we were more familiar with. Each day that we are in London, I am becoming more and more familiar with everything; and I love starting to know where I am around the city. I liked that we stopped by the British Museum; this museum is huge and it was fun to see it. My favorite thing on this walk was seeing Hotel Russell. It was fun to hear the background information about the hotel, and to learn some things about the history of London. Luckily the weather was pretty nice when we went on this walk (a little rain, but not too bad), and I was glad that I learned a lot and had fun.

#3 - Westbourne Park Station to Notting Hill

The Westborne Park Station to Notting Hill walk has been my favorite walk so far. Ever since we have been in London, I have heard so many good things about Portobello Market, and I was dying to go there. Luckily we did this walk on Saturday morning, when the markets were busy and everyone was out and about. I led this walk, so while we were walking down Portobello Road, I loved reading everyone in my group all about the history of the market and road. As we were reading, we found it very interesting that how the book tells you, that as you walk along the market- the quality of stands and merchandise improves. We all found fun little gifts for friends and family back at home, and we loved the atmosphere. I would love to go back to this market again soon, and I am glad that I could lead this walk and have a fun day out with some of my friends that I have made in London.

#2 - Soho to Trafalgar Square Walk

For my second walk, me and a group went on the Soho to Trafalgar Square walk. I really enjoyed this walk because I have always wondered what Soho is. I have always heard of it, and for some reason I always thought that it was in China or Japan. I was happy to finally realize that it was actually in London and that it is pretty close to our house! It was fun to read in the history of Soho Square and about how Twentieth-Century Fox has their offices there now. Although the whole walk was fun and interesting, my favorite part would have to be going to London’s Chinatown. Whenever my family and I go to large cities, we always love going to go to their Chinatowns there. The London Chinatown wasn’t as big as some other cities, but it still did not disappoint. Overall, our walk was very fun and I learned a lot.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

#1 - Central Parks Walk

I went with a group to do the Central Parks walk. It was on the first Saturday that we were in London, so we still hadn't seen most of the city. By doing this walk, I felt that I learned a lot about my surroundings and I got a better idea about how London really was. We started the morning by going to see the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace. After Buckingham Palace, we started walking through St. James Park. The park was full of color and had great views from every way you looked. We also saw the Wellington Arch on this walk- which was really fun because I hadn't seen that yet. After St. James Park, we made our way to Hyde Park and then to Kensington Gardens. Before this walk, I had only walked through the park when it was getting darker, which made it harder to see everything; so I was happy that we did this walk in the middle of the day when it is the lightest. I was amazed to see how big all of the parks were. Not only were they big, but they were fully occupied. There were so many people out and about, hanging out, walking their dogs, and even playing sports. I loved that we saw this side of the people in London. It was nice to see how they relax and how they choose to spend a weekend. Overall, I really enjoyed this walk!